Monday, October 11, 2010

Get your Spicy Pumpkin Cheesecakes!

Since the holidays are fast approaching, I thought I'd let you all know I'm taking orders for my Lascivious Spicy Pumpkin Cheesecake! If you have never had it before, do yourself a favor and order one! Foodgasms guaranteed with each bite! I'll be posting pictures and prices as soon as I work that out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Manfred’s Garlic Soup with Tomatoes and Herbs

My father’s simple, rustic garlic soup was an elixir when we were sick.  I throw in tomatoes for the lycopene and fresh herbs from the garden. Not only do these give the soup an incredible aroma,  but they also help clear the sinuses. The healing properties of the constituents found in many of the common herbs are well known, and many of those herbs are probably right out your back door.

  • 1qt Chicken broth
  • 10 Garlic cloves
  • 1 Handful stale bread chunk
  • 2 Tbsp chopped fresh herbs (i.e. sage, oregano, rosemary, thyme)
  • 1 Tomato
  • 1/2tsp Pepper
  • Pinches Cayenne, salt

Heat the chicken broth on the stove and find a large bowl.
Peel, smash and roughly chop the garlic cloves, toss in bowl.
Break off chunks of stale bread and cover the garlic.
Dice the tomato and sprinkle over top of bread with herbs, pepper, cayenne and salt.
Pour hot broth into bowl, cover with plate and let sit for 5 min.

    Wine suggestion: Viognier